A few initial tips on doing foreign law research:

1. Recognize that you're entering an entirely new legal system that might function, and be structured, differently than the U.S. legal system.

2. If you do need to do in-depth original research in the law of a foreign country, start with legal research guides for that country from the sources below.  Yes, I would look at all of them.

3. As with almost all legal research, check for relevant secondary sources before undertaking original foreign law research, which will almost inevitably be labor-intensive.  Is it possible, for example, that there could be an existing law review article that does a relevant comparative study involving your issue and the country you are looking into?  Also consider whether there might be a nonprofit or legal organization that might be compiling relevant laws of the world related to your topic.

4. A lot of foreign law is simply not available online.

5. Updating/validating is particularly difficult and therefore, at the end of the day, do not expect to be able to find definitive answers.  You may find, for example, a clearly relevant foreign law, but be unable to confirm whether it has been recently amended or whether case law has affected its validity.  If you need a definitive answer you may likely need local counsel or assistance from a local partner.


Foreign Law Guide - (CUNY Law subscription - use your barcode to access off campus).  This is the gold standard.  Heavy on historical background, but also identifies relevant sources of foreign law by subject matter and often has links to available online sources.

Globalex - Foreign Law Research and Comparative Law Research guides. See also Globalex's Foreign Law: Subject Law Collections on the Web (e.g., places online collecting, say, criminal codes across many jurisdictions).

Law Library of Congress - Nations. Pages on individual countries including links to official governmental websites and other research guides.

CUNY Law International & Foreign links